Donating to Greene Memorial United Methodist

When we give to the church, we participate in one of the great spiritual disciplines.  Your offering to the church is not only “tax deductible” it is the practice of your faith in the spiritual and eternal work of the Church.This method of payment is one of many ways to make a contribution to Greene Memorial United Methodist Church.  Giving of time, talent, money and prayers are all needed to further the work of God’s Kingdom and the ministries of this church.  Thank you for your generous and faithful giving.

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A world, a welcome, an act of mercy: Gracious God, you bless us with gift upon gift. 

Help us to see you in the homes, celebrations, and merciful moments of our lives – but don’t stop there. Help us to be the next surprising way you reveal yourself to the world: homemakers, forgiving hosts, unlikely healers. 

In your generosity, make us more generous. In your grace, make us more graceful. In the creative, joyful, merciful name of Jesus we pray, Amen.